Generate an asciidoc file
We want an output document that looks like:
Should add 2 numbers
2 + 3 = 5
You can do it with a simple Asciidoc file like this one:
= Should add 2 numbers 2 + 3 = *5*
To generate this kind of file, that is just a text file, you can do it with this simple code below.
public void should_add_2_numbers() throws IOException {
final Path filePath = docPath.resolve("_DemoTest.adoc");
final FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(filePath.toFile().toString());
try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter)) {
int a = 2;
int b = 3;
final String output = String.join("\n",
"= Should add 2 numbers",
String.format("%d + %d = *%d*", a, b, a + b));
Check non regression with source control
To check there is no regression, put the generated file under source control and verify that it was not modified between two executions.
With git
, you can use the following command to see all files modified and not yet staged.
git status -s --no-renames [DOC FOLDER]
When you add modified files to the staged using git add
, they no longer appear with the command above even they are not committed.
You can consider that adding them is a kind of validation.
Check regression with Approvals
If you want to automate that the file has not changed from the last approved file, you can use Approvals with the following code. First time, test failed because there is no approved file. Once you approved the file, the test passes until the output changes.
* Demo of a simple usage to generate documentation and validate it with[Approvals].
public class DemoWithApprovalsTest {
* When adding two simple numbers, the java operator '+' should return the sum of them.
public void should_add_2_numbers() {
int a = 2;
int b = 3;
int result = a + b;
final String output = String.join("\n",
"= Should add 2 numbers",
String.format("%d + %d = *%d*", a, b, result));
Use DocumentationTesting
You can also use DocumentationTesting tool that integrate Approvals , format file name, add comment description and add some commodities.
* Demo of a simple usage to generate documentation and validate it with[Documentation testing].
public class DemoWithDocumentationTestingTest {
static ApprovalsExtension doc = new SimpleApprovalsExtension();
* When adding two simple numbers, the java operator '+' should return the sum of them.
public void should_add_2_numbers() {
int a = 2;
int b = 3;
int result = a + b;
final String output = String.format("%d + %d = *%d*", a, b, result);
The final file look likes:
Demo with documentation testing test
Demo of a simple usage to generate documentation and validate it with Documentation testing.
Should add 2 numbers
When adding two simple numbers, the java operator '+' should return the sum of them.
2 + 3 = 5
Sources of thoses samples: