Living Documentation

This project show some techniques to extract documentation from your project like:

  • Extract code documentation (javadoc)

  • Use annotation

  • Extract xml information

  • Execute code to find values

  • Formating documentation

  • Generate graph

It’s also present use cases like:

  • Create a glossary

  • Retrieve good example from code

  • Visualize workflow

  • Document tests

  • Visualize dependencies

  • Create a release note

Getting started


  • JDK 11

  • Maven

  • Docker

This project is auto-documented. To generate full documentation, just call

. ./

Documentation is generated in ./target/docs folder.

A generated documentation is already available here:

Library dependencies

In these demos, we use libraries:

  • com.github.javaparser: Parse java code.

  • com.thoughtworks.qdox: Extract javadoc.

  • io.github.livingdocumentation.dotdiagram: Generate graphviz diagrams.

  • javax.xml.parsers: Read xml files.

  • org.eclipse.jgit: Execute git commands.

  • org.reflections: Find classes, annotated classes and methods.

The graph below shows which libraries is used in demos.

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Available demos

List of demo classes available in this project.

Each demo is a simple program that extract some documentation from the code. It illustrates a use case or a technique. It contains a 'main' to make it a standalone application to be able to see what is generated and to execute it independently. We try to not use utilities classes to keep all generation code into a single class to have all information necessary to reproduce example

These demonstrations are minimalist. They just show what is possible to do but may not worked on more generic cases.


Annotated method demo

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.FunctionnalityDoc

Display method with annotation that contains attribute.

We need to create an annotation (here Functionnality) that be used on each method to document. This annotation contains attributs to specify additional information.

Annotation declaration
public @interface Functionnality {
    String name();
Annotation usage
@Functionnality(name = "Living Documentation")
public void functionnalityToDocument() {
    // ...
Code to extract information
public String generateFunctionnalities() {
    Set<Method> annotatedMethod = getAnnotatedMethod();

            .map(m -> formatDoc(m))

/// Retrieve methods with a specific annotation.
private Set<Method> getAnnotatedMethod() {

    String packageToScan = "org.dojo.livingdoc";
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections(packageToScan, new MethodAnnotationsScanner());

    return reflections.getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Functionnality.class);

/// Extract information from annotation parameters (here the attribute name).
private String formatDoc(Method method) {
    return String.format("*%s* (%s): %s",
Example 1. Functionnalities to document.

findAnnotatedMethod (ClassToDocument): Find all method with a specific annotation.

functionnalityToDocument (FunctionnalityDoc): Living Documentation

Glossary demo

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.GlossaryDoc

Display annotated classes.

Retrieve all classes annotated (annotation Glossary) to be included into glossary.

Code to extract information
public GlossaryDoc() {
    builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
    builder.addSourceTree(new File("src/main/java"));

public String generateGlossary() {
    return new Reflections("org.dojo.livingdoc")
            .getTypesAnnotatedWith(Glossary.class, false)

/// Format class to generate glossary information.
private String formatGlossary(Class<?> classToDocument) {
    return classToDocument.getSimpleName() + "::" + getDescription(classToDocument);

private String getDescription(Class<?> classToDocument) {
    JavaClass javaClass = builder.getClassByName(classToDocument.getCanonicalName());
    return " " + Optional.ofNullable(javaClass.getComment()).orElse("");
Example 2. Glossary generated

A physical person.


Description of a city.

Change log

Extract changelog from git messages

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.GitLogMessage

Extract commit messages from Git.

It can be used to generate release note.

Code to extract information
public String generateGitMessages() throws IOException, GitAPIException {
    Repository repository = new FileRepositoryBuilder()

    Iterable<RevCommit> logs = new Git(repository).log().call();

    return, false)
            .map(rev -> formatMessage(rev, "dd/MM/yyyy"))

public String formatMessage(RevCommit rev, String dateFormat) {
    Date authorDate = rev.getAuthorIdent().getWhen();

    String dateFormatted = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat).format(authorDate);
    return String.format("* *%s* (%s): %s",
            rev.getName().substring(0, 10),
Example 3. Git history:
  • 13/04/2020 (8e3c5574f6): Add information on library used in demos

  • 13/04/2020 (e83e6796ec): Add a demo using dot-diagram

  • 25/03/2020 (78e4d74f51): Fix asciidoctor version, use Rouge instead of pygments

  • 25/03/2020 (3ef7e83c7b): Remove useless dependency

  • 06/01/2020 (edd8fb0d0a): Add documentation of classes with a main method.

  • 05/01/2020 (57326a7b2e): Add documentation of classes with a main method.

  • 23/11/2019 (ce23a9df10): Publish only index.html in docs folder

  • 23/11/2019 (98419f3890): Rename index.html to demo-full.html

  • 23/11/2019 (9e7a2c8327): Rename demo-full.html to index.html

  • 22/11/2019 (03a604aa18): Modify output folder for generation

Include a changelog file

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.Changelog

A simple way to make a change log is to have a changelog file with an asciidoctor file.

It needs to be strict to update file on each changes. But, if merge request is used in development process, it could be verify it was updated before accepting request. It also easier to update a change log file than rewrite git history when there is something to correct.

To find some information on how to write a change log:

Example 4. Changelog example file

= Change log

## [1.0.1] - 2019-10-05 == Changed - Improve change log example. - Reorganized project.

## [1.0.0] - 2019-08-27 == Added - Add a change log example. - Add a workflow graph demo.

== Changed - Improve commit message demo.

Example of changelog file when included

Change log
[1.0.1] - 2019-10-05
  • Improve change log example.

  • Reorganized project.

[1.0.0] - 2019-08-27
  • Add a change log example.

  • Add a workflow graph demo.

  • Improve commit message demo.

Code to extract information
public String generatePomDescription() throws IOException {

    return "include::CHANGELOG.adoc[]";

Execute to get information

Execute maven command

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.MavenDoc

Execute Maven command to find dependencies informations.

Here, we execute mvn dependency:list to retrieve dependencies of each module in project. Then, we draw a graph with these dependencies.

Code to extract information
public String generateDendencies()
        throws IOException, SAXException {

    Path PROJECT_PATH = Path.of("src", "main", "resources", "project");
    List<String> modules = getModules(PROJECT_PATH);

    String dependenciesGraph =
            .flatMap(module -> findDependencies(PROJECT_PATH.resolve(module)).stream()
                    .map(dependency -> String.format("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"", module, dependency))

    return String.join("\n",
            "digraph g {",

private List<String> findDependencies(Path path) {

    List<String> recorder = executeCommand(path, List.of("mvn", "dependency:list"));

            .map(s -> s.replaceFirst("^\\[INFO\\]", ""))

private List<String> getModules(Path path) {
            .filter(f -> Paths.get(f.getPath(), "pom.xml").toFile().exists())
Example 5. Dependencies executing maven command
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Get information executing code.

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.ExecuteDoc

Execute some code to retrieve information.

Sometimes, it’s not possible or too difficult to find information directly from the code. It could be easier to execute the code to get information.

In this demonstration, we are creating a configuration object to get default values.

An object instance is created and all getters are called using reflexion. Values returned are defaults values returned by the object.

Code to extract information
public String generateDoc(Object instance) {
    return String.format("Default values of %s class\n\n", instance.getClass().getSimpleName())
            + String.format("[options=\"header\"]\n|===\n|Field|Default value\n%s\n|===\n",
                    .map(m -> formatRow(instance, m))

private String formatRow(Object instance, Method method) {
    try {
        return String.format("|%s|%s", method.getName(), method.invoke(instance));

    } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
        return "Value could not be retrieve";

private boolean isGetter(Method m) {
    return (m.getName().startsWith("get") || m.getName().startsWith("is"))
            && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers());
Example 6. Default values of getter methods

Default values of Configuration class

Field Default value





Show methods called

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.CallFlowDoc

Display contributors calls.

We execute a method and trace every calls to injected services.

Code to extract information
public String generateCallFlow() throws Error {

    final TraceAnswer recordCalls = new TraceAnswer();
    final Notifier notifier = spyWithTracer(new NotifierImpl(), recordCalls);
    final Dao dao = spyWithTracer(new DaoImpl(notifier), recordCalls);

    // Call method to trace
    final Service service = new Service(dao, notifier);

    return String.join("\n",
                    ".Calls from Service.findHomonyms method",

 * Create a spy over a object to trace every methods called.
 * @param instance
 * @param recordCalls
 * @param <T>
 * @return
private <T> T spyWithTracer(T instance, TraceAnswer recordCalls) {
    return Mockito.mock((Class<T>) instance.getClass(),
diag 19b048fb95974a383dfa6878fb55051d
Figure 1. Calls from Service.findHomonyms method

Show workflow from code

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.WorkflowDoc

Show algorithm workflow.

Wokflow configuration is defined in code. We extract information to display a graph.

We use graphviz to draw the graph.

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Code to extract information
    public String generateWorkflowGraph() throws Error {

        final Workflow workflow = new Workflow();

        return String.join("\n",
                "digraph g {",
                        .flatMap(state -> formatStateLinks(workflow, state))

    private Stream<String> formatStateLinks(Workflow workflow, Workflow.State currentState) {
        return workflow.availableTransition(currentState).stream()
                .map(availableState -> currentState + " -> " + availableState);

 * Class in application that defined workflow.
class Workflow {

    public enum State {

    public List<State> availableTransition(State state) {

        switch (state) {
            case OPEN:
                return Arrays.asList(RESOLVED, IN_PROGRESS, CLOSED);
            case RESOLVED:
                return Arrays.asList(REOPENED, CLOSED);
            case CLOSED:
                return Arrays.asList();
            case IN_PROGRESS:
                return Arrays.asList(OPEN, RESOLVED);
            case REOPENED:
                return Arrays.asList(CLOSED, IN_PROGRESS);
                return Arrays.asList();

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Figure 2. Workflow graph generated

Show workflow using dot-diagram

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.WorkflowDocWithDotDiagram

Show algorithm workflow.

Wokflow configuration is defined in code. We extract information to display a graph.

We use graphviz to draw the graph and dot-diagram to generate dot text.

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Code to extract information
public String generateWorkflowGraph() throws Error {

    final Workflow workflow = new Workflow();

    final DotGraph graph = new DotGraph("");
    final DotGraph.Digraph digraph = graph.getDigraph();
    Arrays.asList(Workflow.State.values()).forEach(state -> addStateTransitions(digraph, workflow, state));

    return String.join("\n",

private void addStateTransitions(DotGraph.Digraph digraph, Workflow workflow, Workflow.State currentState) {
            .forEach(availableState -> digraph.addAssociation(,;
diag 1a74a5a81261c3a5664684e36b7e4d41
Figure 3. Workflow graph generated using dot-diagram

Extract javadoc

JavaDoc with JavaParser

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.DescriptionWithJavaParserDoc

Get description from javadoc comment using JavaParser.

It’s a simple example retrieve javadoc from class and methods.

Code to extract information
public String generateDoc() {
    Class<?> classToDocument = ClassToDocument.class;

    // Parse class source code.
    SourceRoot sourceRoot = new SourceRoot(Paths.get("src/main/java"));
    CompilationUnit cu = sourceRoot.parse(
            classToDocument.getSimpleName() + ".java");

    // Visit code tree to retrieve javadoc.
    JavadocVisitorAdapter javadocVisitor = new JavadocVisitorAdapter();
    cu.accept(javadocVisitor, null);

    // Format result to create documentation.
    return String.join("\n",

/// Visitor to store class and methods javadoc.
public static class JavadocVisitorAdapter extends GenericVisitorAdapter<Object, Void> {

    JavaDocOfElement javaDocOfClasses;
    List<JavaDocOfElement> javaDocOfMethods = new ArrayList<>();

    public Object visit(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration declaration, Void arg) {
        String className = declaration.getFullyQualifiedName().orElse(null);
        javaDocOfClasses =
                new JavaDocOfElement(className, declaration.getComment());
        return super.visit(declaration, arg);

    public Object visit(MethodDeclaration declaration, Void arg) {
                new JavaDocOfElement(declaration.getNameAsString(), declaration.getComment())
        return super.visit(declaration, arg);
Example 7. Javadoc extracted from class with a parser

org.dojo.livingdoc.application.ClassToDocument: Class to show a javadoc extraction.

  • main: Starting point of the application.

  • simpleMethod: Simple method documented.

  • findAnnotatedMethod: No description.

JavaDoc with QDox

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.DescriptionWithQDoxDoc

Get description from javadoc comment with QDox.

Code to extract information
public String generateDoc() {
    JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
    builder.addSourceTree(new File("src/main/java"));

    JavaClass javaClass = builder.getClassByName(classToDocument.getCanonicalName());

    return String.format("%s: \n%s\n\n%s",

private static String methodList(JavaClass javaClass) {
    return javaClass.getMethods().stream()
            .map(javaMethod -> String.format("- %s: %s",
Example 8. Javadoc extracted from class with QDox

ClassToDocument: Class to show a javadoc extraction.

  • main: Starting point of the application.

  • simpleMethod: Simple method documented.

  • findAnnotatedMethod: null


Classes with main method

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.FindMainDoc

Display classes with a main method.

Retrieve all main methods in project using Reflections library. We search all classes in given package and retain only those who have a main method. Result is display in a list.

Code to extract information
public FindMainDoc() {
    builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
    builder.addSourceTree(new File("src/main/java"));

public String generate() {
    return new Reflections("org.dojo.livingdoc", new SubTypesScanner(false))
            .map(o -> o.getSimpleName())
            .collect(joining("\n* ", "* ", ""));

private boolean isContainMainMethod(Class<?> aClass) {
            .anyMatch(m -> Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers())
                        && m.getName().equals("main")
Example 9. Classes with main methods generated
  • PomDoc

  • FunctionnalityDoc

  • DemoDocumentation

  • FindMainDoc

  • ReferenceToCodeDoc

  • FormulaDoc

  • GitLogMessage

  • WorkflowDoc

  • MavenDoc

  • DescriptionWithQDoxDoc

  • CallFlowDoc

  • ClassToDocument

  • DescriptionWithJavaParserDoc

  • GlossaryDoc

  • AsciidoctorGeneration

  • WorkflowDocWithDotDiagram

  • ParseDoc

  • ExecuteDoc

Static analysis

Document formula with stem

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.FormulaDoc

Display formula like \$sum_(i=1)^n i^3\$ using default formula syntax asciimath.

It needs to add :stem: option in document (see

Method to document
 *  stem:[(1.55^"level") + sqrt(12*"level") + 50]
public double xpNeedsToNextLevel(int level) {
    return Math.pow(1.55, level) + Math.sqrt(12*level) + 50;

We can extract formula from Javadoc. It’s easy (see generateFormulaFromJavaDoc method) but it’s not the real formula used in code.

Another way of doing is to parse code and format it using asciimath syntax. Below, we show a naive implementation used to parse example.

Formula parser
public static String fromJava(String javaFormula) {
    return new FormulaAsciiMath().parse(javaFormula);

private String parse(String javaFormula) {
    final Provider codeProvider = Providers.provider("class X { String formula = " + javaFormula + " }");
    ParseResult<CompilationUnit> result = (new JavaParser()).parse(ParseStart.COMPILATION_UNIT, codeProvider);
    if (!result.isSuccessful()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(result.getProblems().stream()
                .map(problem -> problem.getVerboseMessage())

    final CompilationUnit compilationUnit = result.getResult().get();

    final FormulaVisitor formulaVisitor = new FormulaVisitor();
    Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
    compilationUnit.accept(formulaVisitor, stack);

    return  stack.peek();

public static class FormulaVisitor extends VoidVisitorAdapter<Stack<String>> {

    public void visit(IntegerLiteralExpr n, Stack<String> arg) {
        super.visit(n, arg);

    public void visit(DoubleLiteralExpr n, Stack<String> arg) {
        super.visit(n, arg);

    public void visit(BinaryExpr n, Stack<String> arg) {
        n.getLeft().accept(this, arg);
        String left = arg.pop();
        n.getRight().accept(this, arg);
        String right = arg.pop();
        arg.push(left + n.getOperator().asString() + right);

    public void visit(NameExpr n, Stack<String> arg) {
        super.visit(n, arg);
        arg.push("\"" + n.getNameAsString() + "\"");

    public void visit(MethodCallExpr n, Stack<String> arg) {

        for (Expression expression : n.getArguments()) {
            expression.accept(this, arg);

        final String mathFunction = n.getName().asString();

        if ("pow".equals(mathFunction)) {
            String exponent = arg.pop();
            String base = arg.pop();
            arg.push("(" + base + "^" + exponent + ")");

        } else  if ("sqrt".equals(mathFunction)) {
            String value = arg.pop();
            arg.push(mathFunction + "(" + value + ")");

        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("Function '"+mathFunction+"' not supported");
Code to extract information
public FormulaDoc() {
    builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
    builder.addSourceTree(new File("src/main/java"));

public String generateFormulaFromJavaDoc() {
    JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
    builder.addSourceTree(new File("src/main/java"));

    JavaClass javaClass = builder.getClassByName(SpecificRule.class.getName());
    final List<JavaMethod> methods = javaClass.getMethods();

            .map(method -> method.getName() + ": " + method.getComment())


public String generateFormulaParsingCode() {
    final Class classWithFormula = SpecificRule.class;
    final String methodWithFormula = "xpNeedsToNextLevel";

    String javaCode = extractMethodBody(classWithFormula, methodWithFormula);
    String formulaCode = javaCode.replaceAll("^\\{\\s*return (.*)\\s*\\}$", "$1");

    return methodWithFormula + ": stem:[" + FormulaAsciiMath.fromJava(formulaCode) + "]";


private String extractMethodBody(Class classWithFormula, String methodWithFormula) {
    SourceRoot sourceRoot = new SourceRoot(Paths.get("src/main/java"));

    CompilationUnit cu = sourceRoot.parse(
            classWithFormula.getSimpleName() + ".java");

    StringBuffer javaCode = new StringBuffer();
    cu.accept(new VoidVisitorAdapter<StringBuffer>() {
        public void visit(MethodDeclaration n, StringBuffer arg) {
            if (methodWithFormula.equals(n.getNameAsString())) {
                final String str = n.getBody()
                        .map(body -> body.toString())
                System.out.println("BODY:" + str);

    }, null);
    return javaCode.toString();
Example 10. Formula from javadoc

xpNeedsToNextLevel: \$(1.55^"level") + sqrt(12*"level") + 50\$

Example 11. Formula from java code using parsing

xpNeedsToNextLevel: \$(1.55^"level")+sqrt(12*"level")+50\$

Extract a code fragment

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.ReferenceToCodeDoc

Extract a code fragment to include in documentation.

To identify code to include into documentation, it have to be surrounded by tag::[TAG] and end::[TAG].

Define code to include
// tag::InterestingCode[]
public void doNothing() {
// Really interesting code.
// end::InterestingCode[]
Code to extract information
public String includeCodeToDoc() {
    return String.join("\n",
            ".Best practice to follow",
Example 12. Include a fragment of code
Best practice to follow
public void doNothing() {
    // Really interesting code.

Extract imports parsing code

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.ParseDoc

Parse code to extract informations.

We can retrieve import, conditions, attributes, …​

Code to extract information
public String execute() throws Error {

    final Reflections reflections = new Reflections("org.dojo.livingdoc");
    Set<Class<?>> typesAnnotatedWith =
            reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(ClassDemo.class, false);

    SourceRoot sourceRoot = new SourceRoot(Paths.get("src/main/java"));

    return getImports(typesAnnotatedWith, sourceRoot)
            .collect(Collectors.joining("\n", "", "\n* ..."));


private Stream<String> getImports(Set<Class<?>> typesAnnotatedWith, SourceRoot sourceRoot) {

    return -> {

        CompilationUnit cu = sourceRoot.parse(
                aClass.getSimpleName() + ".java");

        List<String> imports = new ArrayList();
        cu.accept(new RecordImportsVisitor(), imports);

        return (String.format("* %s\n%s",
                        .filter(importName -> !importName.startsWith("java"))
                        .map(s -> "** " + s)

/// Visitor that record imports
class RecordImportsVisitor extends GenericVisitorAdapter<Object, List<String>> {
    public Object visit(ImportDeclaration declaration, List<String> imports) {

        imports.add(extractPackageFromImport(declaration, imports));
        return super.visit(declaration, imports);
Example 13. Parse code to extract information
  • GlossaryDoc

    • com.thoughtworks.qdox

    • com.thoughtworks.qdox.model

    • org.dojo.livingdoc.annotation

    • org.reflections

  • WorkflowDoc

    • org.dojo.livingdoc.annotation

    • org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.Workflow.State

  • MavenDoc

    • org.dojo.livingdoc.annotation

    • org.xml.sax

  • …​

Extract information from pom.xml

From: org.dojo.livingdoc.demo.PomDoc

Extract information from pom.xml (or a xml file).

You may have some information stored in a XML file like the project description into the pom.xml.

In this demo, we parse the file and display the content of the 'description' tag.

Code to extract information
public String generatePomDescription()
        throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException {

    Element root = parsePom().getDocumentElement();

    return root.getElementsByTagName("description").item(0).getTextContent();


private static Document parsePom()
        throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {

    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

    return builder.parse(new File("pom.xml"));
Example 14. Content of tag 'description' from pom.xml

Demo of living documentation