Several examples are provided to show how we can use it and what it can produce.

Functional demos

Those samples show different documentation that can be generated. It allows to give ideas on different ways of presenting information

  • demo_minimal: Minimal project generating doc

  • demo_trivia: Demo with trivia kata. An example which shows a very visual representation of the tests.

  • demo_asciidoc: Show how to write asciidoc to display some common needs.

  • demo_basic_approvals: Simple demo with validation using approvals.

  • demo_fizzbuzz: Fizz buzz with samples foreach rules.

  • demo_gameoflife: The famous game of life kata with a visual representation of each rule.

  • demo_gildedrose: Gilded Rose displaying evolution of values in a table and with a graphic.

  • demo_hero: Shows different documentation that could be produced to verify the same thing.

  • demo_property_base_testing: Show how we can make property base testing with documentation.

  • demo_tennis: Tennis score display in a readable board.

  • demo_trainbook: Classical train book exercise used in example mapping presentation.

Technical demos

These examples show different approaches related to the technical environment. It could be about languages, tools or some specifics cases.

Real projects

Real projects that use this approch.